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Piano Stars Rainbow Scales Red Level for Beginner

PDF Digital File - save to your computer to print the pages you need or read the pages right from your tablet or smart phone.

Includes: All 24 major & minor keys!
Scales - 1 octave
Minor Scales in Natural form only
Contrary Motion - 1 octave
Solid & Broken Triads - 1 octave
Arpeggios (hand-over-hand) - 2 octaves

Sharps are indicated with red bubbles, flats are indicated with blue bubbles.

Click the sample page images above for a larger view.


Piano Stars Rainbow Scales Orange Level for Grade 1 & 2

PDF Digital File - save to your computer to print the pages you need or read the pages right from your tablet or smart phone.

Includes: All 24 major & minor keys!
Scales - 2 octave
Minor scales include Harmonic & Melodic
Contrary Motion - 2 octave
Solid & Broken Triads - 1 octave
Arpeggios - 2 octave
Chromatic Scale - 1 octave

Sharps are indicated with red bubbles, flats are indicated with blue bubbles.

Click the sample page images above for a larger view.


Piano Stars Rainbow Scales Yellow Level for Grade 3 & 4

PDF Digital File - save to your computer to print the pages you need or read the pages right from your tablet or smart phone.

Includes: All 24 major & minor keys!
Scales - 2 octave
Minor includes Harmonic & Melodic
Formula Pattern - 2 octave
Solid & Broken Triads - 1 octave
Arpeggios - 2 octave
Chromatic Scale - 1 octave

Sharps are indicated with red bubbles, flats are indicated with blue bubbles.

Click the sample page images above for a larger view.


Piano Stars Rainbow Scales Green Level for Grade 5 & 6

PDF Digital File - save to your computer to print the pages you need or read the pages right from your tablet or smart phone.

Includes: All 24 major & minor keys!
Scales - 2 octaves
Minor scales include Harmonic & Melodic
Contrary Motion - 2 octaves
Solid & Broken Triads - 2 octaves
Cadences for Triads
Arpeggios + inversions - 2 octaves
Chromatic Scale - 2 octaves
Dominant 7th's for Major keys, Solid & Broken - 2 octave
Dominant 7th arpeggios - 2 octaves

Sharps are indicated with red bubbles, flats are indicated with blue bubbles.

Click the sample page images above for a larger view.

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Piano Stars Rainbow Scales Green Level for Grade 5 & 6

PDF Digital File - save to your computer to print the pages you need or read the pages right from your tablet or smart phone.

Includes: All 24 major & minor keys!
Scales - 2 octaves
Minor scales include Harmonic & Melodic
Contrary Motion - 2 octaves
Solid & Broken Triads - 2 octaves
Cadences for Triads
Arpeggios + inversions - 2 octaves
Chromatic Scale - 2 octaves
Dominant 7th's for Major keys, Solid & Broken - 2 octave
Dominant 7th arpeggios - 2 octaves

Sharps are indicated with red bubbles, flats are indicated with blue bubbles.

Click the sample page images above for a larger view.